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Elite Hair Restoration

Stem Cell Hair Transplant: The Best Way to re-Grow your Hair

Thick healthy hair

Hair loss is widely seen as a sign of creeping old age, and indeed many people feel themselves to be decrepit and going steadily downhill once they start going bald. A problem that is compounded by the insensitive remarks of their friends and peers who might think using terms like ‘baldy, chrome dome,skull head etc. as just some sort of very basic form of amusement. This is why a receding headline may be a cause for concern for almost all men. But, many men are more able to resign themselves to their fate when they realize that it happens to most people by the time they hit their mid 30s (around 70% of men suffer from a retreating headline at around that age). However, it is far more difficult for women to bear their loss (and the snide remarks of unkind colleagues and peers) because women in today’s society are ‘expected’ to have a full head of hair though out their lives. These unfair expectations make women suffer even more than their male counterparts. In fact, an estimated 40% of women will suffer some form of hair loss from the front of their heads even before they reach early middle age.

This leads to emotional and psychological anguish, as they don’t know how to cope with their loss.

Coping with Hair Loss

The most common ways of dealing with this situation has generally been to cover the head with some sort of head wear which may range from hoodies to caps, wigs and even toupees. Alternately, some people try to ‘fight’ creeping alopecia (hair loss) with infusions of vitamins and herbal and homeopathic cures that are practically guaranteed to disappoint them, come what may. The most common technique by far has been to simply comb their hair forwards till the increased hair loss means that there is no hair left to cover the bald spots. It is not the just the people living in the 21 st century, but throughout the ages that people have tried to cope in their own way with their (hair) loss. The most common practice was to simply comb their hair forwards in an effort to hide the bald spots. However, merely hiding a problem does not really solve it as such.L

Most Effective Treatments for Hair Loss Today

When it comes to combating alopecia on a permanent basis, there is only one true solution as discovered by medical science and that is ‘hair transplants.’ However, transplanting hair is not a proposition to be taken lightly till now at least, since it required a lot of introspective cogitation thanks to the costs involved as well as the many well known side effects ranging from itching all the way to severe headaches.

Stem Cell Hair Transplant: The New Frontier

However, all this was before the discovery of ‘stem cell hair transplant.’ The best thing about stem cell hair transplants is that the process harvests the body’s own stem cells to get the hair follicles to re-grow hair all over again.

Many medical experts are often known to refer to stem cells as ‘mother cells.’ This is because such cells are capable of producing any type of cell throughout the body thus ensuring that the transplant is both highly effective as well as safe for the patient.

And the best thing about these transplants is not just the fact that they are permanent, but they are free of any side effects as well, so that you never again have to be afraid of going bald again.

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