Monday - Saturday
8:00am - 5:30pm
Elite Hair Restoration

Botox treatment: Discover the miracle of rejuvenation

Woman with exposed scalp

The older we get the more clearer the aging process shows. Among the manifold signs of aging are laugh lines, wrinkles, crow’s feet and even marionette lines (the fine lines sloping downwards from our chin) all of which have the rather unfortunate tendency of materialising on our face and thereby make us look older than […]

How Hair Transplants Can Overcome Male Pattern Baldness

Zone marking before procedure

Male pattern baldness, also known as androgenic alopecia, is a hair disease that affects thousands of men around the world. The condition, which affects 4 out of every 5 men under the age of 70, causes hair follicles to shrink or thin out that eventually dies out to leave bald around the crown of the […]

All You Need To Know About Beard Transplants

Beard Transplant After Image

If you always wanted to have a beard thick and large enough to stroke it using your hand, then you are in some luck. Today, researchers and experts have tapped into scalp hair transplant technology to bring beard transplant procedures. Through this procedure, you can achieve a more masculine and edgy look with a beard […]

Stem Cell Hair Transplant: The Most Innovative Solution To Hair Loss

image of Dr Irum Khan, Hair Transplant specialist

Hair loss has been the bane of many people’s existence. You only become aware of it when you start losing hair, and then you find out that science has not figured out a way to stop hair loss and reverse the process. Well, not anymore. Thanks to innovative hair transplantation technologies, especially stem cell hair […]

Stem Cell Hair Transplant: The Best Way to re-Grow your Hair

Thick healthy hair

Hair loss is widely seen as a sign of creeping old age, and indeed many people feel themselves to be decrepit and going steadily downhill once they start going bald. A problem that is compounded by the insensitive remarks of their friends and peers who might think using terms like ‘baldy, chrome dome,skull head etc. […]

Botox treatment: Making you look young again

Anti aging treatment to reverse the signs of aging

As we grow older, we develop wrinkles along with what are often euphemistically referred to as ‘laugh lines.’ However, such lines on our face are certainly no laughing matter because they make us look aged and older than we may actually be. This is where Botox comes in. Most Botox skin treatments essentially help smooth […]

Stem cell hair transplant: A new solution to an age old problem

IK during Stem Cell Therapy

Any form of hair loss is a cause for concern; but when it comes to losing hair from the front of the head, then yes, for many people it is veritable nightmare. Not just for men but also for the legions of women out there who are slowly going bald and have no idea what […]

Stem Cell Hair Transplant: The New Revolution

Happy patient after transplant

While baldness is not life-threatening, it can have a devastating effect on a person’s confidence. Hair loss, especially frontal hair loss is an increasing cause of concern for a whole lot of people. In fact,  it affects not just men but literally millions of women as well, all over the world. Finding that one’s hairline […]

Beard transplants and their increase in popularity

Before & after hair transplant for hair and beard

Whether it’s from leading male celebrities such as Hugh Jackman, George Clooney or David Beckham with their ever-changing, full beards and goatees causing beard envy; or the fact that  men say having a beard makes them feel more macho, the trend in facial hair transplants as a cure for baldness is all the rage now. […]